The average age a girl is trafficked in the United States is between 13 and 15 years old. We invite you to join or renew your membership this year on behalf of each girl who has fallen victim to this illegal crime.

COF MEmbership Events



Circle of Friends Board 2024-2025

  • Crys Kelly - COF President, Social Analytics Director, Iris Worldwide

  • Nicole Devlin - Senior Vice President, Cadence Bank

  • Lynn Dowdle - Principal, Dowdle Real Estate

  • Adebimbola Faminu - Client Success Manager, Global Enterprise at Gartner

  • Dr. Maureen Gutierrez - MD, FACP, founder of Dallas Comprehensive Medical Care

  • Tracie A. Jay

  • Ashley Koos - Litigation Associate at Haynes and Boone, LLP

  • Amanda Muhammad - Mindfulness-Based Stress Management & Psychological Safety Consultant

  • Cindy Niederhaus

  • Erin Sander - Owner, Erin Sander Design

  • Yolanda Scott - Security Manager, Texas Instruments

  • Karla Smith - Real Estate Specialist at SRS Real Estate Partners

  • Veronica Smith -Software Engineer; Project Management

  • Krysten Thompson - Director, Santander Consumer USA

  • Andrea Weidlich - Senior Director of Marketing, Vari

  • De’Edra S. Williams - Senior Vice President of Customer Success, CompTIA

  • Lisa Winkley - Community Leader and Philanthropist

COF President


By joining the auxiliary group, Circle of Friends, you are joining a movement to help women and teen girls leave the sex industry and develop the building blocks for a better future. The purpose of the Circle of Friends group is to support the mission of New Friends New Life through volunteerism, community awareness, and fundraising. As a Circle of Friends partner, you will have the opportunity to volunteer in a variety of ways within the organization.

Please select your membership level and submit payment

  • Friend $50

    Membership for a year, early invitation to annual luncheon, first call for special projects and volunteer opportunities.

  • Patron Friend $100

    Membership for a year, early invitation to annual luncheon, first call for special projects and volunteer opportunities.

  • Lifetime Friend $1,000

    One-time donation for lifetime membership, special recognition as a COF Lifetime member, early invitation to annual luncheon, exclusive opportunities to provide input and support. Lifetime members will also receive a butterfly logo pin (see photo below).


*Annual memberships are valid through March 31, 2024

*If your Google Chrome browser shows as not secure for payment processing, please try using Safari, Internet Explorer or Bing browser to make secure payments.

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