New Friends New Life is committed to helping women become independent, empowered, and conventionally employed to support themselves and their families.
The Employment Partnership Program is a vital stepping stone for NFNL members’ journeys. Employment Partners help women who are ready to start their new professional lives but have had limited opportunities to gain skills and work experience. Before partnerships begin, NFNL pre-screens women through our intensive case management program to assess their readiness and connect them to the best entry-level opportunities. The tangible work experience provided from companies in our Employment Partnership Program, coupled with the soft and hard skills taught in NFNL’s educational groups and one-on-one sessions, equip members to navigate the conventional workforce, which may be unfamiliar to them. This program helps women achieve and maintain sustainable employment, sometimes for the first time in their lives.

Pre-screened and highly motivated

Given pre-employment training and job skills classes

Enrolled in ongoing coaching support to ensure success, improve retention, and resolve workplace issues

The chance for a business to contribute greatly to helping a woman turn her life around, creating a path for lasting change and long-term stability.

An opportunity to increase a woman’s self-worth and self-esteem, which have broad implications in how a woman progresses in her healing and recovery.

Opening doors to conventional employment for women who would otherwise not be afforded this opportunity due to the life they were forced to live.
For more information on partnering with us in this capacity, please contact:
(214) 965-0935
Local businesses interested in our mission can take advantage of three opportunities to benefit both their business and a qualified member of New Friends New Life:

The internship opportunity provides women who have new skills, education, or certifications the opportunity for short-term, on-the-job experience. Internships may be part-time or full-time and can transition to permanent placements. The internships may be paid or unpaid opportunities.

This option is for employers who are looking for employees to fulfill temporary assignments, such as special projects or ongoing needs, and are willing to pay a livable wage. Temporary assignments can be part-time or full-time and can transition to permanent placements.

This option is for employers who are looking for employees ready for longer term employment and are willing to pay a livable wage for permanent placement. Entry-level positions in any conventional business may be considered for permanent placements.
”I feel like I’m GROWING SO MUCH. I want to work [at this job] for as long as they will have me.”
—NFNL Survivor
“I just celebrated my one year at A JOB THAT I ABSOLUTELY LOVE.This program has been life changing for me.”
—NFNL Survivor
“I AM SO HAPPY TO BE ON THE RIGHT PATH... I am now working full time at a pediatric home health company. It seems like there’s room to grow there and they like me!”
—NFNL Survivor
“For our members, the ability to support themselves and their families independently through conventional employment is vital to their sustainability. Employment Partnership Program participants provide the final piece in the puzzle for women to become fully empowered, support their families, and strengthen their communities for years to come.”
Bianca Davis
Chief Executive Officer

Some members have no work history, some have conventional employment history, and some may be actively working but not achieving a livable wage. NFNL works to match members’ skills with appropriate positions so members can learn and be productive employees.

Employers have no obligation to continue the partnership with a member of NFNL if she is not performing to standard. However, we request and recommend regular feedback sessions between the NFNL Adult Program Manager and company hiring manager or supervisor to address any performance or interpersonal concerns, prior to ending the employment placement.

NFNL asks that Employment Partners work to ensure that members work in a healthy, encouraging work environment. To achieve this goal, members’ backgrounds, histories, and affiliation with NFNL must be kept private and not shared among the general work population.