Our Process Success Stories Videos
Our Process
To understand more about how we serve our community you first need to understand who we are here to help.
Whom We Serve
Trafficked Teen Girls and Sexually Exploited Women (Many of our women are in several of these categories)
Massage Brothels
Strip Clubs
Domestic Sex Trafficking
How We Serve
A Holistic Trauma-Based Approach to Aftercare
Social Work – In house
Spiritual – in house
Mental Health – in house and community
Medical – community
Legal – community
Education- in house; community
Peer Support
Member Backgrounds
Every member has their own unique story, but here are some of the more common experiences. Some individuals may have experienced force more than one of the following:
Childhood sexual abuse
Lack of Education
Under employed / Unemployed
Criminal Background
Parental abandonment
Trafficking or pimping by family member or close friend
Mental Health Issues
Emotional Trauma can often be a cause or result from the human trafficking industry, these are some of the prevalent problems our members face.
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Dissociative Identity Disorder
Lack of Coping Mechanisms
Our Approach
To help these women develop their new lives, we believe in long term support. Often one to three years are needed with members.
What Type of Care Our Advocates Provide
Trauma Informed Care
Respecting her right to decision-making
Respect survival instincts
Acknowledge her view of reality
Establish a sense of safety
Partner case management with other services
Relationship Based
Passionate & committed advocates
Individualized Support
Strength Based
Skills identification
Amplifying Success & growth
Many of our members have learned not to feel to survive. They may enter therapy not trusting, just observing, in some cases with no positive expectations at all. Often times these women wouldn’t choose counseling so we have to careful and empathetic approach to the counseling we provide.