The Role of Fathers & Men in Society: Champions of Justice and Dignity for All
/Written by Samantha Carmean, Development Assistant, New Friends New Life
I remember being five-years-old, my dad tucking me into bed and reading me my favorite bedtime story, Good Night, Sweet Butterflies. We would go on to say our nightly prayer and he would send me off with sweet dreams. At that time, you couldn’t tell me he wasn’t the best storyteller and hug-giver. Honestly, you still can’t tell me differently today.
Next, I remember being sixteen and going through my first heartbreak. I stayed up all night crying and came downstairs the next morning with puffy eyes and little to say. My dad made me an egg sandwich and held me in a way that words couldn’t.
I remember just last year, coming home from college for a short weekend just a month away from graduating. Throughout the semester, I had felt a shadow of fear for what was to come. I was so worried about not having things all lined up and I didn’t want to disappoint anyone. Before I left that Sunday, it was my dad who told me how proud he was of me for all that I had accomplished in the last four years. He told me he did not want me to settle for a job I did not want, and he assured me that I would always have his and my mom’s support. I am not sure he had any idea that his words were an answered prayer to soothe all the fears and worries I was having.
Reflecting on Father’s Day, I think of intentional moments of encouragement and acts of service that say more than words can. I think of my dad’s voice yelling out as I head out of the door for work (yes, even as a grown adult) “Have a marvelous Monday”, “terrific Tuesday”, and of course “Happy Hummmmp Day”. I think of a constant ray of positivity and the continual presence of someone who truly wants the best for me.
I am grateful each Father’s Day to revel in the special moments I have with my dad and to think of all the ways he has contributed to my sense of safety, security, and confidence. However, I know that this holiday does not always bring to mind the same positive memories and emotions for everyone. For many, the hurt and pain that you carry come from the very person who was supposed to love and protect you.
If that is your story, I want to say I am sorry. It was never supposed to be that way. I am proud of you though for the courageous work you are doing or will do to heal and to create healthy relationships, although it should have never been your burden to carry. You are strong. And you are loved.
The role of a father and that of a man carries a great responsibility in shaping our society, including contributing to a sense of safety in our communities and combatting the issue of human trafficking. Behind every victim and survivor of trafficking is a complex web of factors contributing to their vulnerabilities. Fathers/men, as pivotal figures within families, communities, and society at large can both directly and indirectly influence these factors.
As a protective factor, a supportive and nurturing father figure can instill resilience, self-esteem, and a sense of autonomy in their children. Open communication, emotional support, and modeling healthy behavior can empower children to do the same (Bridging Freedom, 2023).
At New Friends New Life, our Men’s Advocacy Group mobilizes men to take action against sex trafficking and exploitation. Fathers, leaders, and men all over can actively engage in advocacy efforts, leveraging their influence to amplify the voices of survivors, challenging societal norms, and being a champion of justice and dignity for women and girls. One of my favorite things at NFNL is when we celebrate Valentine’s Day. On this occasion, we invite our MAG and male volunteers to serve a meal and gift a rose to our members. It’s a small gesture, but a big way to say I see you and I stand for you.
As we celebrate Father’s Day, let us not only express gratitude for the love, guidance, and sacrifices of the fathers/ father figures in our lives but also recognize the pivotal role they play in creating a healthy and safe community for all.
Lastly, to my dad-
Thank you for being my biggest cheerleader, a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day, and my best friend. You sure do make a mean egg sandwich ;) I love you.
Sources: Bridging Freedom. “Role of Fathers in Preventing & Combating Human Trafficking.” Bridging Freedom, 8 June 2023,